English subs
Los Hombres de Paco ("Paco's Men") relates the stories of three police officers and the people who surround them both at home and at the station. It is one of the first series in Spain to bring comedy to a police drama, and starting in season #4 it has brought to viewers the intriguing story of the romance between Silvia and Pepa."
Silvia and Pepa have Paco in common; Pepa is Paco's sister and Silvia his sister-in-law. They have their work in common; they are both officers at the police department. They also have a longtime friendship steeped in complex family relations and shared experiences. And slowly but surely, they were bound to find a special kind of love. In season 4 of Los Hombres de Paco, the audience gets a front row seat to the birth and development of a romance that has the makings of being one of the greatest romances of our time.
It all started many years ago when Pepa and Silvia shared a kiss together at a family gathering. This was a big disgrace for their family ( Silvia just happens to be Pepa’s sister-in-law), therefore, Pepa was cast out of the family and went away to become a hot outspoken slightly dangerous lesbian police officer. Sylvia, on the other hand, remained where she was and grew up to be a hot straight forensics expert. At least, that is what she was thinking she was until she is reacquainted with Pepa. As soon as they meet again, it is clear that there is still a lot of chemistry between the two women and it isn’t before long that they redo their kiss of eight years before, only a little less innocently this time. Slowly but surely, the two of them fall madly in love with each other.
A beautiful music video by buffyfan357
Storyline (Season 4-5)
Spesial thanks go out to PepsiEnglish for this amazing video compilation and extraordinary Spanish to English translation of Pepa and Silvia's story.
Απλά υπέροχες!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήη Laura Sanchez είναι ΘΕΑ!! :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήteleia!ekatsa kai ta eida ola me thn mia.molis teleiwsan kai ksekinhsa na ta blepw xtes brady!aksize h "olonyxtia"!!!synexeia den yparxei?gt den mporw na ta brw pou8ena kai efaga kollhma twra na dw ti ginetai meta!!!opoios mporei na boh8hsei.....
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήtrello gelio sto episodeio me thn katsika!! "Paco, que hace la puta cabra aqui?!" LMAO
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήanonymh, ta videos/skhnes me agglikous ypotitloys einai sto
h kopela pou metafrazei kai ftiaxnei tous ypotitlous exei anevasei mexri kai to 99 epeisodio, an kai h seira exei proxwrhsei sto 102...
an ksereis ispanika, h aplws theleis na rikseis mia matia gia na deis ti paizei, to kanali pou provallei th seira ka8e tetarth anevazei ta epeisodia sto
psakse gia "los hombres de paco". sto menu deksia ehei "ultimo capitulo" pou einai to pio prosfato epeisodio, "temporada completa", pou exei ola ta prohgoumena epeisodia.
enjoy!! :)
euxaristw poly gia thn boh8eia!ta brhka kai ta katebasa kiolas alla dystyxws den katebabhkan se kalh analysh.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήto kalytero epeisodio to 47...exw dei ta prwta lepta apeires fores fores mexri twra.exw faei apla kollhma!!!
o gamos 8a ginei sto epomeno epeisodio! photos edw:
epomeno ennoeis to 103 pou 8a paiksei authn thn tetarth?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήναι, το σημερινό επεισόδιο (Amor a bocajarro, Temporada 8. Capítulo 11)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήti to'8ela kai to epsaksa sto youtube???
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήden mou eftanan auta ta epeisodia kala na pa8w!
molis eida to 104 kai teleutaio ths season an den kanw la8os.ma einai dynaton?skotwnoun thn silvia?ka8e fora ta idia!briskw mia teleia seira kai sto telos oi senariografoi kanoun ta panta g na thn xalasoun!ti tous xalage na ginei o gamos kai na zhsoun autoi kala kai emeis kalytera?!!!
akoma den mporw na to xonepsw pws h silvia pe8ane.kai gw t h8ela k to eida to 104???diavasa pws h h8opoios pou ekane tn silvia h8ele na apoxwrhsei apo th seira k gi auto eprepe na skotw8ei...alla dn einai ka8olou dikaio auto gia emas.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήestw oti h8ele na apoxwrhsei(gt ki egw kati tetoio diavasa),eprepe na ths dwsoun tetoio telos?ELEOS dld!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήtwra teleutaia diavasa 2 ar8ra sxetika me thn apoxwrhsei ths, to ena elege oti den mporouse na xeiristei to gegonos oti san straight paizei enan gay xarakthra, kai to deutero elege pws apla kourastike 4 xronia sthn idia seira kai 8elei na kanei kati kainourio.
den kserw pio apo ta dyo isxyei alla nomizw pws h seira me auto to telos exase pollous fans!egw proswpika den kserw an 8a thn dw ksana apo tou xronou!
sorry alla pepa xwris silvia den ginetai!!!
swsta ta les!dn uparxei periptwsh na exei tous fans pou eixe h seira logw tou love story pepa+sylvia.mallon omws h prwth ekdoxh prp na mn isxuei gt logika 8a tn eixan enhmerwsh oti 8a kanei tn gay alla ok.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήan deis auto to video epibebaiwnei thn deuterh ekdoxh alla ispanika den kserw opote den mporw na eimai sigourh!xtes pou to epsaxna kapoios eipe pws an exoume diavasei opoudhpote oti h marian h8ele na fygei apo thn seira gt kourasthke einai psema gt pote den dhlwse kati tetoio!ti na pw?m'exei mperdepsei poly to 8ema kai ta'xw parei tautoxrona.
ypo8etw pws prepei na perimenoume thn kainouria season g na doume.elpizw kapoios na endiafer8ei na anevasei ta kainouria vid pou 8a bgoune.
alh8eia,pote ksekinaei h kainouria season?kserei kaneis?
k mena m exei mperdepsei auto to 8ema.pantws se sxesh m auto p legame gia ts fans ts seiras to 69% eipe pws dn ts arese to finale.ara elpizoume mhpws to doun oi senariografoi k allaxei tpt.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήmakari!mexri thn kainouria season polla mporoun na ginoun!mexri tote g mena h seira teleiwse sto epeisodio 103 :)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήasxeto...exeis mail?
k gia mena mexri to 103 uparxei.nai exw.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήepishs ema8a oti h nea season arxizei tn oktwvrh.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήoktwbrh?teleia!ligo oi diakopes ligo h douleia 8a perasei o kairos!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή8es na mou to steileis to mail sou?den kserw pws ginetai edw mesw tou blog gia na mhn fainetai kiolas alliws 8a egrafa egw to diko mou.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήepishs diavasa oti isws to 104 edeixne oti einai enas efialths p evlepe h pepa!dn xerw pantws makari na isxuei auto..
egw pali diavasa oti einai efialths ths saras opote...arkh den bgazoume!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήpragmati dn vgazoume akrh!8a deixei tn nea season ti htan telika..
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήto mail sou to phra,an exeis msn milame kai apo ekei an 8es.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήexw einai akrivws to idio.kane me add
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήh seira 8a provlh8ei ton Genarh toy 2010 kai tha einai o teleutaios kuklos epeisodiwn, ta gurismata omws ksekinoun ton Septemvrh.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήden kserei kaneis telika giati skotwsan thn Silvia! oloi upo8eseis kanoyn. isws isxuei to oti h h8opoios h8ele na fygei, isws omws kai na thn "efygan"... krima, htan teleio zeugari, me foverh xhmeia!
go Pepa! go get 'em girl!
re paidia pou mporw na dw thn seira apo thn arxh me ellinikous ypotitlous??boithisteme eimai asxeth!!!!!!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήkalispera re paidia. katarxin therma suxkaritiria gia ti seira tous kai deuteron GOATI MAS TO EKANAN AYTO???PEPA XWRIS SILVIA DEN GINETAI.Makari na htan oneiro ola auta pou paixthkan sto teleutaio episodio kai na sunexisoun mazi th nea sezon.Alitheia pou tha vroume ta nea episodia otan vgoun?An kserei kanenas as apantisei...paidia efaga trelo KOLLHMA ME TH SEIRA!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήkalispera paidia . exw dei kapoia videakia sto youtube pepa-silvia einai kapoies skhnes apo thn seira alla den eiani oloklhrwmena ta episodeia mhpws tha mporouse kapoios na mou pei pou mporw na dw apo thn arxh thn seira me agglikous h allhnikous ypotitlous??????? plz !thn latreuw auth thn seira ...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήpsakse sto youtube gia pepsienglish, exei ola ta video.